I write stories about kinship.
Kinship is connections of the kindest kind.
Single Moms sharing a supper table
Busying the hands of a father with Alzheimer's
Reconnecting with childhood friends
Homing the unhoused―kids, kittens, lost, and lonely
Seeing beauty when unlikely souls connect
Finding peace in nature's old, well-worn, familiar paths
Realizing they didn't need to, but they did anyway
There's a growing trend. As David Brooks in the Atlantic described, individuals are returning to and searching for kinship―the need and desire not to live alone. As Millennials move back home (if they ever left) and grandparents move into an extra wing of their adult children's or grandchildren's house, and as single mothers share separate quarters but a common kitchen and supper table, these lonely nuclear family nomads are searching for kinship, for a group they can call family that, incidentally, need not be blood relatives.
I write real-life stories that show what kinship can look like. How respect for others, acceptance over differences, and overlooking irritations can be stronger than the pressures that divide us.
These stories embolden us to ask, Could you be my kin? Could we become family?
My Published Works
Short Stuff
I write so kindred spirits can connect.
Created by Gail Strock